About Us

Who are we?  That's a good question.  Existentially speaking, there is a lot to unpack there, but more simply and directly, we are the Lambs--a nucular (haha) family:  Khristan, Stone, and our rugrats, Emerson and Quinn.  We live in beautiful North Coast California among the redwoods.  We are passionate about the environment and all the creatures inhabiting it (although some of the humans seriously get on our nerves, but I'm sure we get on people's nerves too).
We started Rain and Stone Organics with the purpose of helping to make organic clothes (as well as a healthy lifestyle) more accessible to people.  I remember scouring the internet a few years back to find organic clothes, and it was not easy!  Promoting organic clothes is a way to help with the trajectory of human behavior towards responsible consumption and a way to reduce the poisons (pesticides) that are used to produce clothes in this weird period of human history when big agriculture and chemical companies partner to produce big profits at the expense of everybody else.  You do realize everything used to be organic, right?  The movement toward organics isn't new, but it is gaining steam and growing exponentially.  That means that less humans and animals are being exposed to poisons through polluted streams and rivers, which means less sickness and disease and a healthier planet.
Why Rain and Stone Organics?  Rain and Stone got its name through a compromise.  I wanted to call the business Rain Dog, Raindog, or Rain Dawg in honor of the amazing dog that taught me so much about being a human in a world we share with all the other amazing creatures around us.  Khristan liked the idea, but thought Rain and Stone sounded better, and after polling a few friends, I conceded to Rain and Stone Organics, and hey, it works, too.
No really, why Rain and Stone Organics?  Oh . . . why shop with us?  We make sure that the products we sell are environmentally-minded:  organic cottons, hemp, recycled plastics, and cork, etc.  The way we see it, if we help the organics movement grow, organic prices will continue to come down, and organics will become so common that you won't have to scour the internet for it.  Don't believe me?  As an example, regardless of how you feel about veganism or vegans, look at the growth of vegan foods.  30 years ago, finding vegan food products was really something where you had to know where to look.  There was basically beans, tofu, and the produce section of the grocery store.  But now it's so prevalent, even big animal agriculture companies are getting into it because they see a demand, and now it is everywhere.  This happened because companies followed a growing trend in order to follow the money.  Now, it is being projected that vegan meats and protein sources are going to become cheaper than the traditional animal based protein sources in the not too distant future.  It may not be as prevalent in the news and in our culture, but the organics movement has been growing at a breakneck pace, too.  Wouldn't it be amazing if organics were commonplace, which would mean that prices on organics came down?  Well, it's already started.  Prices on organics have already started to become more affordable (see our store!).  Anybody that looked for organics 30 years ago remembers how nearly impossible it was to find anything, and how nearly impossible the prices were. 
How you spend your money directly affects the world in which you live.  Join us in helping to shape a new consumer landscape, and a more responsible future.  If you've made it this far, thank you for your attention and thank you for being part of the solution.
Peace, love and all things good,